Dr. Nayak offers online and in person appointments. The techniques used are especially helpful for anxiety, emotional issues, phobias, illness, pain, trauma, life transitions, and creating the life you want.
What happens in a session?
A typical session starts with some talking as we explore and discover what are the issues that are wanting attention. Sometimes we will pause and focus on your emotions or body sensations as they arise allowing your innate healing ability the time, space and attention it needs. Often, I have clients close their eyes and guide them into a relaxed meditative state in order to access inner resources and heal the inner parts that are causing distress and problems in our lives. Other times we will use Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping to work with the problem. The client is continually involved with communicating what they are experiencing and there is back and forth communication even during Hypnotherapy.
What is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy?
Transpersonal describes therapy that addresses the body, mind and spirit.
We work with the Body in many different ways. One is using the breath in order to get into a parasympathetic nervous system response or the "rest, digest, and heal" state of relaxation. Another way is to notice body sensations and attend to the emotions that the body is communicating with us about. The body can be a powerful ally in working with our unconscious. We can also use body based techniques like EFT (Tapping) that involve the client tapping on specific places on their body like the top of the head while saying out loud specific things that are bothering them.
The Mind part of Transpersonal is addressing all the beliefs and patterns that don't work for us. These can be conscious or unconscious.
The Spirit does not necessarily mean a religious or spiritual view. Spirit refers to accessing the deeper knowing or authentic self within each of us. The goal is to access a kind and curious viewpoint towards ourselves that allows us to discover our own truth and healing.
Spirit in therapy also means acknowledging that spirituality/religion might be an important aspect of the client's inner exploration no matter what their religious or spiritual worldview might be. All viewpoints are welcome in therapy. It's for the client to explore what is important to them.
Hypnotherapy is used to help the client access a relaxed and focused state of mind similar to a guided meditation. However, this meditation is interactive. The therapist asks questions to find out what the client is experiencing and to guide the experience to help with whatever issues the client wants to address.